Im Mittelalter waren schließlich mehr als ein Viertel der europäischen Bevölkerung Franzosen; im 17. 65.017.000 davon lebten im französischen Mutterland, dem europäischen Festland. … [...] L'ethnologie nous en fournit la preuve, en retrouvant, après tant de siècles, des descendants des Arabes sur plusieurs parties de notre sol. It was also atypical of the Western world: although there was a baby boom in other Western countries after the war, the baby boom in France was much stronger, and lasted longer than in most other Western countries (the United States was one of the few exceptions). So hat sich das Verhältnis inzwischen umgekehrt und Frankreichs Bevölkerung wächst schneller als der Rest Europas, nachdem es davor genau umgekehrt war. Detailed figures. The Knoema Data Workflow. Data on metropolitan France are available since 1946. ), Spanisch (1,2 %, 0,77 Mio.) GDP (official exchange rate): This entry gives the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. Afghanistan Afrika Ägypten Albanien Algerien Amerikanische Jungferninseln Angola Antigua und Barbuda Äquatorialguinea Argentinien Armenien Aruba Aserbaidschan Asien Äthiopien Australien Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesch Barbados … Turkey was less populous than metropolitan France until 1992 but is now more populous. [50] Die nationale Armutsquote lag 2016 bei 14 %. Sarkozy's agenda has sharpened the focus placed on integration of immigrants living in France as well as their acquisition of national identity. [14] Frankreich erlebte nach 1945 schließlich eine deutliche Steigerung der Geburtenzahlen, der auch mit einem wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung zusammenfällt. The iPhone first quarter results were neither unexpected or the steepest decreases in iPhone revenues the company has faced. Liste der Länder, nach Bevölkerungsgröße. 1615 L. St NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA202-419-4300 | Main202-857-8562 | Fax202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries: Robin Cohen, Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick and Currently Dean of Humanities Robin Cohen: B.R. Irland (Insel) Island. [citation needed] However, a 2014 story in Le Monde suggested that the testing figures for Île-de-France were distorted by the practices of some hospitals in the region, which choose to test all babies whether or not they have parents with ancestry from an endemic sickle-cell region. Jahrhundert war es noch ein Fünftel. [132] A study by the CSA Institute conducted in 2003 with a sample of 18,000 people found that 65.3% considered themselves Roman Catholic, while 27% considered themselves atheists, and 12.7% (8,065,000 people) belonged to a religion other than Catholicism. Nevertherless, according to Justin Vaïsse, in spite of obstacles and spectacular failures like the riots in November 2005, in Parisian suburbs, where many immigrants live secluded from society with very few capabilities to live in better conditions, the integration of Muslim immigrants is happening as part of a background evolution[86] and recent studies confirmed the results of their assimilation, showing that "North Africans seem to be characterized by a high degree of cultural integration reflected in a relatively high propensity to exogamy" with rates ranging from 20% to 50%. Als ursächlich dafür gilt die Familienpolitik des Landes. [88][89] One illustration of this growing resentment and job insecurity can be drawn from related events, such as the 2005 riots, which ensued in former President Chirac declaring a state of emergency. France experienced a baby boom after 1945; it reversed a long-term record of low birth rates. Diese Personen gelten nicht als Ausländer, werden in den meisten Fällen jedoch de facto als ethnische Minderheiten wahrgenommen. Note: France maintains a tradition of secularism and has not officially collected data on religious affiliation since the 1872 national census, which complicates assessments of France's religious composition; an 1872 law prohibiting state authorities from collecting data on individuals' ethnicity or religious beliefs was reaffirmed by a 1978 law emphasizing the prohibition of the collection or exploitation of personal data revealing an individual's race, ethnicity, or political, philosophical, or religious opinions (2015 est.)[38]. [110], The latest 2008 demographic statistics have been released, and France's birth and fertility rates have continued to rise. Population statistics prior to the modern era are historical estimates as official counts were not made. However, the country's population sharply increased with the baby boom following World War II. Les Sarrasins gardèrent longtemps sur les côtes de la Provence, à la Garde-Freinet, un solide point d'appui et de là purent faire des incursions dans une partie de la France. In France, however, the fertility rate is still fairly high for European standards. Irak. Les Français ont en effet tendance à se rassembler dans les grandes agglomérations, comme par exemple en Île-de-France, où la densité de … An immigrant woman is a woman who was born outside France and who did not have French citizenship at birth. Today, it is the rest of Europe that has very low fertility rates, and countries like Germany or Spain avoid population decline only through immigration. [82], Tightening immigration laws, as well as notions of "zero immigration", reflected national views that arose within the discussion around immigrant family reunification and national identity. Demographie. One out of two was born in Europe and one in three in Africa. FMH-Ärztestatistik 2019 – hohe Abhängigkeit vom Ausland Stefanie Hostettlera, Esther Kraftb a Dr. sc. [73], In the 20th century, France experienced a high rate of immigration from other countries. The table below gives the number of children born in metropolitan France according to the citizenship of both parents. [72] Outside Europe and North Africa, the highest rate of immigration is from Vietnam, Cambodia and Senegal. [26] Aufgrund der besseren wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten migrieren viele Menschen aus den Überseegebieten auf das Festland. More than one million people from the Maghreb immigrated in the 1960s and early 1970s from North Africa, especially Algeria (following the end of French rule there)[citation needed]. With in-depth features, Expatica brings the international community closer together. 42% of the immigrants are from Africa (30% from Maghreb and 12% from Sub-Saharan Africa), 38% from Europe (mainly from Portugal, Turkey, Italy and Spain), 14% from Asia and 5% from America and Oceania. Die Bevölkerung erlebte mit dem Königreich Frankreich einen langsamen, aber stetigen Aufschwung. Data, updates, measures taken and useful information are available in a dedicated section of the site [32] Die derzeitige jüdische Gemeinde in Frankreich (2016 sind etwa 0,8 % der Bevölkerung Juden) ist die größte in Europa und die drittgrößte der Welt nach der in Israel und den Vereinigten Staaten. 18/12/2020. "Les premiers musulmans arrivèrent en France à la suite de l'occupation de l'Espagne par les Maures, il y a plus d'un millénaire, et s'installèrent dans les environs de Toulouse – et jusqu'en Bourgogne. [76] At this time, Judaism was the second most populous religion in France, as it had been for centuries. Illegal immigration thus developed as immigration policy became more rigid. Die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Kinder, die eine hypothetische Kohorte an Frauen am Ende ihrer reproduktiven Phase haben würde, falls die Fertilitätsraten eines bestimmten Zeitraums auf die gesamte Länge ihres Lebens zutreffen würde und kein Sterbefall eintreten würde. [8], The national birth rate, after dropping for a time, began to rebound in the 1990s and currently the country's fertility rate is close to the replacement level. Nationalen Institut für Statistik und Wirtschaft, deutschen Besetzung Frankreichs im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Population totale par sexe et âge au 1 er janvier 2017, France métropolitaine−Bilan démographique 2016 – Insee,, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Fertility Demographic balance sheet 2017 – Retrospective tables,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Frankreich liegt in der Rangliste der bevölkerungsreichsten Länder auf Rang 21 weltweit und lag auf Rang drei der bevölkerungsreichsten Länder in Europa hinter Russland, Deutschland und minimal vor dem Vereinigten Königreich. Folgende Tabelle gibt Überblick über die historische Bevölkerungsentwicklung von Frankreich (Metropolitan):[16][17]. Au huitième siècle, lors de l'invasion des Berbères dit Arabes, ceux-ci avaient pénétré jusque dans la vallée de la Loire : on parle même de leur venue dans la région orientale de la France, à Luxeuil, dans les Vosges et devant Metz. [35][36] Je nach Szenario wird für die Zukunft ein Wachstum des muslimischen Bevölkerungsanteils auf 17,4 bis 18 Prozent im Jahr 2050 erwartet. Of them, 90,250 were from Africa and 13,710 from Europe. During the Trente Glorieuses (1945–1974), the country's reconstruction and steady economic growth led to the labor-immigration of the 1960s, when many employers found manpower in villages located in Southern Europe and North Africa. The immigration rate was particularly high during the 1920s and 1930s. Meanwhile, 14% of all immigrants who settled in France that year were from Asian countries: 3% of China and 2% in Turkey while America and Oceania constitute 10% of Americans and Brazilians accounted for higher percentage, 2% each. 2019 FILM Demographie-Kompetenzzentrum Oberfranken Das Projekt wird gefördert durch. [103] This is a very low rate of immigration compared to other European countries, the United States or Canada. 15 % waren davon europäischen Ursprungs und weitere 15 % stammten aus anderen Teilen der Welt. [138][139], According to a 2008 study by Dutch geneticist Manfred Kayser, French people based on a sample from Lyon, showed genetic similarities to all Europeans especially the Swiss, Germans, Austrians, Italians, and Spaniards. Frankreich liegt damit im Mittelfeld unter den OECD-Staaten. [111], Americans total more than 100,000[112] permanent residents in France, Canadians 11,931,[113] followed by Latin Americans, are a growing subgroup, the most numerous of which are Brazilians, at 44,622;[114] followed by Colombians, at 40,000, Venezuelans, at 30,000;[115] Peruvians, at 22,002;[116] Argentineans, at 11,899;[117] and Chileans, 15,782.[118]. Weiteren Zentren stellen die Mittelmeerküste mit den Hafenstädten Marseille und Nizza, der Großraum Lyon im Osten und die Region um Lille im Norden dar. This study reveals "that the southern French population from Marseilles is related genetically to the southwestern Europeans and North Africans, who are geographically close" and that "a substantial gene flow has thus probably been present among the populations of these neighboring areas".[141]. [19] Durch Einwanderung ist Frankreich ein zunehmend multikulturelles und multiethnisches Land geworden. Die Kernstadt von Paris ist außerdem die europäische Großstadt mit der höchsten Bevölkerungsdichte (ca. The other major European powers, such as the UK or Germany, still had high fertility rates, so immigration was seen as unnecessary, and it was also undesirable to the vast majority of their populations. Number of births for January-October 2019 =, Number of births for January-October 2020 =, Number of deaths for January-October 2019 =, Number of deaths for January-October 2020 =, Natural growth for January-October 2019 =, Natural growth for January-October 2020 =, Total fertility rate: 2.01 children born per woman for. $53.26 billion (2017 est.) Finden.. Frage: Wie ist die Bevölkerung von Frankreich? In February, the Federal Reserve signaled that it will hold off on … [citation needed] These percentages vary widely among French regions; for example, in 2015, screening suggested that only 8.1% of children born in Brittany had a parent originating from a sickle-cell risk region, while 73.4% of children born in Île-de-France (which includes Paris) did. In einer Studie der Weltgesundheitsorganisation zur Bewertung von Gesundheitssystemen weltweit belegte Frankreich im Jahr 2000 den ersten Platz als das weltweit beste Gesundheitssystem. Bevölkerungspyramiden: Deutschland - 2019. France, along with other EU countries, have still not signed their agreement to the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families of 1990. Im ersten Jahrzehnt des 21. [11][12] For the same year, 27.3% of newborns in metropolitan France had at least one foreign-born parent and 23.9% had at least one parent born outside of Europe (parents born in overseas territories are considered as being born in France).[11][13]. Only adults with French surnames were analyzed by the study. Both parents are known to originate from a risk region. Mailingliste - Mehr sehen. January’s decrease was the single sharpest drop in consumer sentiment since 2012 and was at least partially spurred by the partial US government shutdown. Frankreich - Bruttogeburtenziffer. [17] If the population of France had grown between 1815 and 2000 at the same rate as that of Germany during the same time period, France's population would have been 110 million in 2000; Germany grew at a much faster rate despite its very substantial emigration to the Americas, and its larger military and civilian losses during the World Wars than France. 18/12/2020. [8], As of 2008, the French national institute of statistics INSEE estimated that 11.8 million foreign-born immigrants and their direct descendants (limited to second-generation born in France) lived in France representing 19% of the country's population. [80], In the late 1970s, the end of high economic growth in France caused immigration policies to be considerably tightened, starting with laws by Charles Pasqua passed in 1986 and 1993. Located in the 13th arrondissement, the area contains many ethnic Chinese inhabitants. Euro area: The first estimate for euro area exports of goods to the rest of the world in October 2020 was €199.3 billion, a decrease of 9.0% compared with October 2019 (€219.0 bn). Rosental, Paul-André: Von der historischen Demographie zur sozialen und politischen Bevölkerungsgeschichte in Frankreich nach 1945.; Lee, Robert: The development of population history ('historical demography') in Great Britian from the late nineteenth century to the early 1960s. [42] Die Migration aus dem Ausland hat eine lange Geschichte und zu einem bedeutenden Teil zum Bevölkerungswachstum beigetragen. "Immigration is hardly a recent development in French history, as Gérard Noiriel amply demonstrates in his history of French immigration, The French Melting Pot. France had the reputation into the early 20th century of being the European country most open to immigrants, including political refugees, but this reputation changed in the late 20th century, when opposition rose to continued immigration … Other large European groups of non-native origin are Spaniards, Portuguese, Romanians, Poles, and Greeks. Si la France est un pays où le poids de l’agriculture dans l’économie est très important, force est de constater que les milieux ruraux se dépeuplent chaque année un peu plus : en 2019, la part de la population urbaine était écrasante et excédait les 80 %. Most immigrants were Portuguese as well as Arabs and Berbers from North Africa. The law also allows for an exception for public institutions such as the INED or the INSEE whose job it is to collect data on demographics, social trends and other related subjects, on condition that the collection of such data has been authorized by the National Commission for Computer-stocked data and Freedom (CNIL) and the National Council of Statistical Information (CNIS).[64]. Verschiedene Regionen spiegeln dieses vielfältige Erbe wider, mit bretonischen Einflüssen in Westfrankreich, aquitanischen im Südwesten, skandinavischen im Nordwesten, alemannischen im Nordosten und ligurischen Einflüssen im Südosten. The current administration could also seek to integrate migrants and their families through education and training, making them more competitive in the job market. [128] Most immigrants living in France today are reported to cover the following sectors: agriculture, service to persons in need (childcare, the elderly), construction, education, health and services to businesses. 12 Millionen Einwohnern. Andere Regionen mit wichtigen Einwandererbevölkerungen sind Rhône-Alpes (Lyon) und Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Marseille). Französisch-Guayana. French of Maghrebi origin form the largest ethnic group after French of European origin. The French population only grew by 8.6% between 1871 and 1911, while Germany's grew by 60% and Britain's by 54%. [8] The state of immigration policy in France is fourfold. (2009), "Phylogeography of French male lineages (supplemental data from 23rd International ISFG Congress held from September 14 to 18, 2009 in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires)", Forensic Science International 2: 439–441, "Sample collection was performed drawing blood of unrelated male individuals with French surname after informed consent", Ramos-Luisa et al.