3 of the Working Hours and Vacation Ordinance – Arbeitszeit- und Urlaubsverordnung - AzUVO) are to be used as a rule, if telework or mobile work are not possible. For this reason, the Legal Notes of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance on Civil Servants’ Dealing with the Corona Virus (Rechtliche Hinweise des Innenministeriums und des Finanzministeriums zum Umgang mit dem Corona-Virus für Beamtinnen und Beamte, in German only, as of May 27, 2020) expressly state that civil servants must clarify before the start of their journey how their ability to work after returning home can be ensured. Offices should be ventilated every 60 minutes. Please note that civil servants who have to organize or provide for nursing of a close relative  within the meaning of section 7 (3) of the Pflegezeitgesetz must be granted special leave with continued payment of their salaries for up to nine working days for each relative in need of care. Am KIT besteht die Pflicht einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung an folgenden Orten: Die KIT-Bibliothek steht in eingeschränktem Maße als Lernraum zur Verfügung, allerdings nur mit Sitzplatzreservierung. In addition, especially for students from abroad, there is the possibility to apply for a semester off in the case of travel restrictions, etc. The use of the KIT premises and thus the presence teaching will be restricted by at least the three infection prevention measures specified today: a. Hygiene regulations (including cleaning of the places), b. Read more: https://www.med.kit.edu/254.php, Since October 1, 2020, differentiated travel instructions have again been in effect for all countries worldwide. Comprehensive and consistens home office, The German Chancellor, together with the heads of government of the German states, has passed a resolution that will largely restrict public life from Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020. 2 SGB V (German Social Security Code V) upon presentation of a corresponding certificate via the statutory health insurance companies. A link to the current version of the Corona Guideline BW and the Corona Guidelines for University Operations MWK has been posted in the corona newsfeed. The technical support staff of KIT can be reached by calling +49 721 608 5555  (internally, calling 5555 will be sufficient) or by mailing to stoermeldung-cn∂fm kit edu  (Campus North) and stoermeldung-cs∂fm kit edu (Campus South, West, East). For single parents, it is 20 weeks. The number of examination attempts to which the students are entitled shall remain the same. Pursuant to § 44a, subsection 3, sentence 1, SGB XI (German Social Security Code XI), employees are entitled to a care support allowance for the lost payment. If you have a need for masks, please send an e-mail to sekretariat∂sum.kit.edu. Please do not contact  the examination boards. What should I do if I suspect corona symptoms or have a positive test result? In this case, it is sufficiently suitable to record which groups of persons have stayed in a room. During the time of the Corona crisis, the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center for Students (PBS) of Studentenwerk Karlsruhe will advise you on the phone and  can be reached as usual to make an appointment: Monday to Friday between 9 and 12 a.m. at 0721 933 40 60. https://www.sw-ka.de/en/beratung/psychologisch/. For scientific users, the DFNconf service provided by DFN offers video, audio, and web conferences (while capacities last). http://llpa-bw.de/,Lde/Startseite/Aussenstellen/1_+Staatspruefung+_+Gymnasium+and+vocational+schools If deregistering by email with your examiner, please use your KIT email address to ensure that your deregistration can be assigned clearly and securely. Basic or continued education - the database presents interested parties with educational opportunities related to climate research. Due to the hygiene regulations and the requirement to keep distance, far fewer people than usual are now allowed to stay in the rooms. •    https://www.infektionsschutz.de/haendewaschen.html#c6354 (in German) using Microsoft teams or the DFNconf services of DFN-Verein). Education Opportunities focused on Climate. Neben der Organisation des virtuellen Sommersemesters und der plötzlichen Umstellung auf digitale Lern- und Lehrformate mussten die Verantwortlichen schnell Lösungen finden, um Klausuren durchführen zu … Where at KIT is wearing a face mask mandetory? Occupational activities are explicitly exempt from the curfew restrictions. § 6 Abs. Bewerben können sich Studierende und Studienanfänger aller Nationalitäten, die bereits am KIT immatrikuliert sind oder ihr Studium am KIT aufnehmen. The course catalog for the 2020/21 winter semester will presumably be published on September 30 in order to reflect the latest state of planning (see. Das KIT unterstützt bei der Bewältigung der Coronakrise mit Forschungs- und Sachbeiträgen und wissenschaftlich-technischen Dienstleistungen. working groups, workshops, trainees and their supervisors, directors of institutes and their assistants, etc.). Wie der „KitKatClub“ in der Köpenicker Straße auf Facebook mitteilt, sind ab Freitag 10 Uhr Corona-Schnelltests möglich. Die leicht verschobene Vorlesungszeit des Wintersemesters geht vom 02.11.2020 bis 20.02.2021. In case the persons affected can prove by a medical certificate that they suffer from a chronic disease or allergy causing Corona-specific symptoms, KIT shall strive to permit participation in the examination, if possible, in a separate room or with the candidate wearing a mouth-nose mask. Since October 1, 2020, differentiated travel instructions have again been in effect for all countries worldwide. Its success across all funding rounds of the Excellence Competition and international rankings underscore its leadership role and excellent reputation in the academic, scientific and research landscape. For this reason, both examination dates and locations were rescheduled. After the examination, students must leave the building separately and go away quickly. Das Deutschlandstipendium fördert Studierende, deren bisheriger Werdegang herausragende Studienleistungen erwarten lässt. Tracking of potential infection chains is the responsibility of the Health Authority. Bitte melden Sie sich schon jetzt über CAS dazu an. The possibilities of mobile working are to be used as a matter of priority. The casino will be closed from December 24 up to and including January 6. After workplace risk assessment, these will be provided for by the management staff of the relevant organizational unit. Students there have their individualized standard periods of study extended by one semester and the summer semester is not counted as a term (irrespective  of a leave of absence). Sch… In view of the special situation, KIT Human Resources (Personalservice PSE) currently receives an enormous number of inquiries. All activities involving external visitors should be postponed or canceled indefinitely. The certification authority of SCC has adapted its procedures to minimizing the risk of infection. Diskussion 'Regelstudienzeit Bachelor Wing KIT' Warum dieses Thema beendet wurde Die Schließung eines Themas geschieht automatisch, wenn das Thema alt ist und es länger keine neuen Beiträge gab. Anmeldung. This will cause considerable delay. Further information can be found on the pages of the KIT Medical Services: If this fails to be done, culpable absence from work during quarantine shall be assumed and shall lead to a corresponding reduction of payment (§ 11 (1) of the Baden-Württemberg State Pay Scale Law (Landesbesoldungsgesetz Baden-Württemberg). How can I obtain the KIT library's and KIT department libraries' seals stating that I have cleared my library accounts prior to my being removed from the register of students? As of now, there shall be no ordering of books. Please send your routing slip as a digitally filled PDF document by e-mail to - infodeskDlj6∂bibliothek kit edu. Contrary to expectations, the planned vacation care for my child is not available: A claim for compensation according to the Infection Protection Act is not provided for vacation care - even if the planned vacation care fails to take place. If you are working in shifts, please use this form (available in German only), which will be issued by the relevant organizational units. Der Standort des Studiums ist Karlsruhe. Entschleunigte Studienpläne Das MINT-Kolleg bietet Studieninteressierten sowie Studierenden in den ersten Fachsemestern ein zusätzliches Lehrangebot in den MINT-Fächern am KIT. . Schools and daycare centers as well as daycare facilities will be closed from Wednesday, December 16, 2020 up to and including January 10, 2021. Yes, you are allowed to move, but please follow the usual distancing and hygiene rules. For KIT, this means that the participants’ contact data must be listed for meetings of two or more persons in a room for a period of more than 15 minutes. Die aktuellen und neusten Infos vom KIT gibt es auf der FAQ Seite zu Corona [3]. This may be the case for, e.g. In addition, attitudes and recommendations for a data-saving use and for minimizing risks from an IT security point of view were elaborated and implemented. How rather not? Please note the current information on care at daycare centres, primary schools. We have summarized the relevant links and information for you in the following. All lending periods have been adapted in such a way that books or other media lent do not have to be returned before January 10, 2021. If you do not participate in ESS/MSS and will not be coming to campus for the foreseeable future, please note your daily working hours for one working week in a list (Word/Excel) and email it to PSE-Zeitwirtschaft with your supervisor in CC. Also, wherever possible, consistently avoid hybrid meetings and please conduct them exclusively online. I am an admitted international student. An alternative care of the child or children cannot otherwise be guaranteed. doors and other entrance areas, passages, corridors, staircases, sanitary facilities, paths at events, tea kitchens, break rooms and other meeting areas. I am studying in a degree program that is being phased out. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 30 Mal bewertet. Due to the current pandemic situation, the lecture period at KIT will start online  on November 2. The exemptions applicable in Baden-Württemberg are listed in § 2 of the Corona Ordinance "Entry Quarantine" (Corona-Verordnung „Einreise-Quarantäne“, in German only). The data may only be transmitted in connection with and on request of the responsible health authority or the local police authority. Contact and information points for students and staff have switched their advisory services to telephone, email, and mail (and, if necessary, to the Microsoft Teams software). Students are free to contact their lecturers, the deans’ offices, or the staff of the Students Office. There are three status stages: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/WarnApp/Warn_App.html. The Health Authority will then contact the teacher of the course and ask for the hygiene concept and its observation. The lecturers and students are free to decide whether they want to use a cloud-based service or not, knowing which data protection concerns exist, on the one hand, and how uncertain the availability is of using cloud-based service, on the other hand. Children whose well-being requires care are also entitled to emergency care. We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the services and tools available to you, if you have not already done so. The KIT Library, the Fachbibliothek HsKA (FBH), and the Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe (FBD) are closed for the time being until January 10, 2021 by virtue of the Baden-Württemberg Corona Ordinance. Attendance may also be documented by a QR code at the venue or in addition to KONKIT registration. The minimum distancing rules decided by the Executive Board and based on the Baden-Württemberg Corona Ordinance shall continue to apply without restriction. This is intended to give students planning security and prevent corona-related hardships of students during their studies. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. (Please note: The current ticket system was launched just a few days ago. Opening hours are from 11:30 to 14 o'clock. From there, an alternate bus will run every 10 minutes during peak periods (please exit at: Forchheim, Leichtsandstraße/Messe Karlsruhe). Wir vermitteln Wissen in zahlreichen Kleingruppenübungen, auf ein- und mehrtägigen Exkursionen wenden Sie Erlerntes an. On November 02, 2020, the lecture period of the 2020/21 winter semester will start at KIT. For this application it is necessary to provide the name and location of the closed care facility. 4) If, after having exhausted these possibilities further days off are required for childcare, a short-term leave of absence from work with a waiver of payment can be granted, § 29, subsection 3, sentence 2 TVöD, or special leave can be taken according to § 28 TVöD. In order to comply with these legal requirements, we have included the associated data protection declaration for your own information. Vice versa, your KIT contact person will inform you if any of the persons you have been working with  at KIT have tested positive (this will be done in line with the Health Office’s procedure of contact person tracking  in the case of a proven corona infection). Email: info@kit edu. Please contact the public health care or nursing care insurance directly in order to clarify whether the prerequisites for your short-term inability to work are met according to § 2 of the Pflegezeitgesetz, and to receive your care support allowance.